
Showing posts from August, 2017

How to be and stay positive

How to be and stay positive... All of us are social creatures. What happens around us has a huge impact on us - consciously or subconsciously; intentionally or unintentionally. It isn't easy in today's world of work pressures, competition, stress, war, hatred, social media to always be and remain happy, positive and enthusiastic. But life is short and if you do manage to make it and shape it how you want it, then you are way more fortunate than half of the world.  I have a very simple mantra and three simple strategies to be and remain positive, productive and passionate in everything I do - personally and professionally: 1) Focus on what's possible : whenever you are in a rough and tough situation, it's easy to get defensive, have your barriers and inhibitors on and get negative or even worse - become a moaner. This is a huge drain on positivity. So my antidote is to focus on what's possible. Consciously make an effort to think and act in ways where yo...