What's School of Mumagement?

Motherhood and Management....there are hundreds of books on each of the topics but until you start practicing it yourself and apply it in real life, you can't really know it all. 

I am a parent and a manager and constantly discover that there are numerous parallels between the two. Hence this blog... School of Mumagement was born! It became my way of documenting my journey as a manager and a mum, what I learnt along the way, and perhaps an unique perspective on how I dealt with things! In this blog, I talk about common management issues and parental problems and how wearing the "mum hat" in work context and vice versa can bring fruitful results! 

So if you are a great parent taking on a management role or if you are fab manager about to become a parent, this blog will help you make the links between the two and use your strengths and experience in one field to enhance the effectiveness in other! 

If you are neither, well...this is a perfect blog to find out the realities of parenthood and management and find real life examples of how its applied in practice.


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